ANGEL FALLS: The Woeld's Tallest Waterfall With a Million Of Beauty and its Location Route

There are plenty of amazing attractions with a million charms that make every pair of eyes amazed at the grandeur of the beauty behind it. Just like in the streets of Venezuela, which is the state of South America, you will find an amazing beauty of Angel waterfalls.

Arguably if the Angel Falls is one of the waterfalls that is not much known by tourists, so it can be said if the nature around the location is still very natural. Having a height of up to 979 meters, the waterfall falling from an Auyan Tepu mountain to the Devil's Canyon has a very high water discharge and directly flows into the river Churun which is beneath it. What a priceless village.

The story behind Angel's waterfall was renamed

It turns out that there is something interesting behind the exotime of Angel waterfall which is very famous throughout the world for its elevation. Talking about the origins of the name of the waterfall is essentially derived from the name of someone who once passed the waterfall by using a plane for the first time. An American pilot named Jimmie Angel once crossed this location in the mid-20th century.

With this event, the location of Jatuhya water which has two gaps with a depth of 807 meters is known as the title of the Salto Angel. The phrase Salto Angel is in fact a Spanish language meaning Angel's waterfall.

However, in the year 2009, a number one figure in Venezuela, which in this case was President Huga Chavez had thought to change the name of the very amazing waterfall. Replaced by the name Kerepacupai Vena. The term is derived from the Penom language which literally means "waterfall in a very deep place". The name change of the Angel waterfall is because the Spanish people have admitted it since once as part of the charm of natural beauty of its territory.

Location of waterfalls in the interior of Venezuela

For you who are curious about the beauty of Angel's waterfall, you are advised to fly to Venezuela precisely in Canaima National Park, Rio Caroni. Its location in an inland forest is also a home to 550 species of birds and also about 500 species of ocelot, Pumas and other types of orchids. Not surprisingly if the trip to this tourist site will be very memorable for the tourists.

Awesome beauty of Angel waterfalls

Every beauty you see in this tourist site of Angel waterfalls can be an extraordinary experience. The reason, the waterfall, which was crowned as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994, began to be recognized by the public and became a part of the tourist destination since the year 1962. When you're on your way along this tropical rainforest, there's plenty of wildlife that you'll meet living freely in its natural habitat.

Known as part of the Canaima National Park, the Angel falls were briefly seen by the producers of Disney films which were later used as background inspirations in the film. In a famous film called UP this, you will find a scene played by the character by taking the setting of the waterfall. Not only on Disney movies, you'll also find this location on the Point Break movie that involves extreme scenes in it.

Unfortunately, the location of Angel waterfall is very difficult to reach, so it will be needed a maximum struggle to conquer the route for a natural beauty that is priceless. In fact, its arguably isolated location from the local area makes you need to use air vehicles to arrive at the location.

Exciting and fun activities in the Angel falls

For you who have arrived at the tourist site of Angel Falls, you can unwind after a long trip that is very exhausting. Sitting at the edge of the waterfall will be a choice of tourists while enjoying the beauty of nature around the location that is arguably still natural. However, visiting the waterfall would not be complete if not bathing under the fresh water flowing from a mountain. In other words, you can soak in a safe location while joking with friends. What an unforgettable experience for you in your holiday.

The route to Angel's waterfall to go

Whereas if you want to enjoy the beauty of Angel waterfall, for the route you can do by using air transportation. The use of air transportation is considered to be much more efficient and fast to arrive at tourist sites, although the trip should be continued with a quite challenging walk of adrenaline. While the air travel agency that provides flight facilities to this location is Avior Airlines and Rutaca where the foundation is located at Camp. Canaima.

On the flight to the Angel's waterfall, you will see various natural scenery in the form of water that is still relatively virgin, because it has not been touched by human hands. In addition, you will also see mountains as well as winding rivers that make your holiday experience unforgettable.

For visitors of Angel waterfalls will be given vaccination in advance as an action in preventing against yellow fever. As an alternative flight, usually tourists will be flown from a city known as colonial Ciudad Boliviar or Caracas, which is the capital of Venezuela. Arguably, the alternative line is very cheap compared to renting a private plane.

Once you have arrived at the location of the Angel waterfall, you will be charged $4 and at that cost, you will enjoy the beautiful natural scenery of the world paradise. In fact, from a distance of 50 meters you can already hear the fall of water from the towering mountains. In addition there are some waterfalls that are where the water falls with a height that is not too high and flows towards the lagoon and ends on a sandy beach.

For you who want to go abroad and enjoy the famous natural scenery and has become a World Heritage site, you can visit the Angel waterfalls in Venezuela. The location that is hidden behind the jungle, makes you have to use the plane to get to the location. At least there, it is definitely you will be presented with a variety of natural beauty that is amazingly interesting. Curious? Prepare enough money and book a flight to Venezuela right now.

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